The Program Committee of the 11th International Conference on Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGM 2022) announced the winner of the BayesFusion Best Student Paper Award in Almeria, Spain, on October 6. The winner is:
Enrico Giudice, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Basel, Switzerland, for the paper entitled The Dual PC Algorithm for Structure Learning, co-authored with Jack Kuipers and Giusi Moffa.
Our heartfelt congratulations!
ProductsSMILE 2.2 is now available. This version of the library supports new diagnosis algorithms.
The libraries for C++, Python, Java, R and .NET can be downloaded from We also maintain repositories for use with Maven and pip, see the download website for more details.
Supported Python versions are 3.8 to 3.12.
GeNIe 4.1
ProductsBayesBox Dashboard Tutorial Video
ProductsBayesBox Dashboard provides at-a-glance views of selected key variables that are relevant to a given objective or a business process. Watch our new YouTube video:
BayesFusion’s interactive model repository
BusinessBayesFusion’s interactive model repository at offers a collection of example models for our users. We encourage our users to contribute to the user community by making their models available. In case of models described in publications, it is a great way of advertising your work. An on-screen comment that lists the correct reference to the paper in which the model appeared should increase your citation count. Please contact us in case you want to contribute your model to the repository.
Metalog Builder
ProductsProbability Distribution Visualizer
ProductsPGM-2022 BayesFusion Best Student Paper Award winner announced
EventsThe Program Committee of the 11th International Conference on Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGM 2022) announced the winner of the BayesFusion Best Student Paper Award in Almeria, Spain, on October 6. The winner is:
Enrico Giudice, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Basel, Switzerland, for the paper entitled The Dual PC Algorithm for Structure Learning, co-authored with Jack Kuipers and Giusi Moffa.
Our heartfelt congratulations!
SMILE support for M series (Apple Silicon) Macs
ProductsStarting with version 2.0, SMILE fully supports Macs based on M series (Apple Silicon) ARM CPUs. The C++, Python and Java libraries are available as universal binaries, containing both ARM and x64 code. The wrapper for R is available as separate binaries for ARM and x64.
To download the libaries, go to
ProductsSMILE 2.0 is now available. This version of the library supports discrete node outcomes based on numeric intervals or point values. Also, the metalog probability distribution can be used in equation node definitions.
The libraries for C++, Python, Java, R and .NET can be downloaded from We also maintain repositories for use with Maven and pip, see the download website for more details.
GeNIe 4.0
ProductsGeNIe 4.0 is now available at
Most important new features are: